'Supporting the welfare, rights and inclusion of chronically ill and physically disabled doctors and medical students'
Team Experiences
Some of our network members have produced a guide to the key lessons they have learned as they have progressed through their training and careers as chronically ill/disabled doctors and students in the UK. The aim of these guides is to provide you with advice and experience so that you may avoid some of the pitfalls and issues that we have faced through the years.
These key lesson guides will be added to with time as we find new people who are happy to make a contribution to this section so keep checking back for additional content.
We are also working with Doctors with Disabilities Australia (DWDA) to produce a compendium of experiences across the UK and Australia (and hopefully in the future Canada and the USA too) in a bid to improve conditions for disabled doctors in Australia - see our Ongoing Work section for more details.

Dr Charlotte Cuddihy
Charlotte is a post foundation year doctor currently working as a clinical fellow at the GMC. Prior to this she studied a Masters in Public Health in Harvard and is hoping to train in this speciality.
Her key lessons include advice on working part time, leave planning, use of specialist equipment and work place environment adaptations.
Download her guide here:

Dr Kelly Lockwood
Kelly is a Clinician with the Practitioner Health Programme. Prior to this she has worked as a locum GP then a retained GP in Harrogate and even worked for Babylon for a short time. Kelly has Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and is a full-time wheelchair user. She became symptomatic during medical school and her mobility started to be significantly affected during her FY1 year.
Her key lessons include how to change specialties, listening to your head, accepting delays in gaining your CCT, avoiding administrative delays in training, supernumerary funding, getting the most out of occupational health and not giving up.
Download her guide here: