'Supporting the welfare, rights and inclusion of chronically ill and physically disabled doctors and medical students'
Ongoing Work
Ongoing UK Work
We have lots of planned work in the UK for the future. From website updates and new sections, to working on new training packages for NHS staff. We have plenty to keep us busy
Here are some of our planned additions and projects:
Section for doctors not in training - including SAS grade, locums
Section on invisible conditions
Section on relevant book recommendations
Make further additions to our Team Experiences section
Explore possibilities for rolling out e-learning modules for educators and colleagues on managing disabled learners and working with disabled colleagues
Assist in the implementation of Welcomed and Valued after publication
We will update this section as new plans are made and current plans completed so do make sure to check back from time to time to see what is happening
Ongoing International Work
We are very happy to be working with our colleagues from Doctors with Disabilities Australia and together we have plans to work towards the following:
To develop a compendium of UK and Australian case reports of how people have coped with different conditions/impairments at different stages of their careers and how they have managed to continue to practice
To try to publish this compendium to help provide examples of how certain issues can be worked around in the UK and to improve the situation in Australia where case law and legal precedents are key in improving the working conditions for disabled doctors
To work together to develop online advice and guidance to disabled doctors in Australia similar to that on this website in the UK
To develop a social media closed group forum in the UK to provide ongoing peer support to chronically ill/disabled doctors here in a similar way to that already in place in Australia
We also hope to reach out to our colleagues in the USA and Canada to develop similar working relationships
As always, we would love to hear your views and ideas on what future work and changes you would like to see the Disabled Doctors Network working on. If you think there is something that we should be changing or adding to the website or something that we should be working on, please let us know via our Contact us section