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GMC Guidance and Advice

The GMC has produced advisory guidance on supporting disabled learners since 2008. You can read more about their work in this area and the ongoing health and disability review on their website


The GMC is responsible for assuring the quality of education and training and identifying where their standards (Promoting excellence) are not being met. The standards include a requirement to make reasonable adjustments for disabled learners


The GMC interacts with education and training organisations. These organisations are Medical Schools, Postgraduate bodies (including Deaneries), Royal Colleges and Faculties, and approved locations where doctors receive training, called Local Education Providers. You can also read more information about how the GMC quality assures different organisations on their website


The GMC cannot advise on individual cases, or address individual complaints


However, their Quality Assurance team would explore evidence of any concerns about meeting their standards for medical education and training and triangulate this with other intelligence. The Quality Assurance team requires documentation in order to do this. The Quality Assurance team would consider what, if any, action would be appropriate if the concern is triangulated with other sources. You can send documentation directly to the GMC Quality Assurance team via


You can find the latest GMC publication Welcomed & Valued here

Be a a copy of our leaflet here to pass to someone who you think may benefit from our services

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