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Employment Support

Employment law, equality legislation and human rights can all be very difficult and emotive topics to navigate your way through.  Things change very frequently in these areas too.  In order to provide you with up to date advice, we want to signpost you to the following documents and websites which we think will be helpful in providing you with the advice and answers you will need when wanting to find out more on these topics or are having difficulties in these areas


Equality and Human Rights Commission, the body responsible for implementing the Equality Act 2010 who provide a lot of advice in this area. You may find their following pages helpful




Welcomed & Valued, Chapter 1, Page 30: What are reasonable adjustments?

Welcomed & Valued Resources: Examples of reasonable adjustments



START Ability Services  


They are able to provide:

  • Work advice service

  • Equality services

  • Therapy services


The Association of Disabled Professional (ADP) 


They are able to provide:

  • Education/training 

  • Rehabilitation for employment 

  • Public acceptance of disability 

  • Support with employment issues


Disabled Entrepreneurs Network (DEN) 


They support self-employed disabled people or disabled small business owners and are able to provide:

  • Work mentors 

  • Networking 

  • Accessible training and development 


Access to Work  


They are able to provide:

  • Equipment 

  • Travel to work 

  • Support worker 

  • Mental health support 

Legal Research and Writing

You may also find the following document helpful and interesting:


This is also a document written for the Royal College of Physicians which discusses the white paper Improving Lives: 'Rethinking long term conditions and disability' which may be of interest

Be a a copy of our leaflet here to pass to someone who you think may benefit from our services

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Thank you

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