'Supporting the welfare, rights and inclusion of chronically ill and physically disabled doctors and medical students'
Deanery Issues
It can be difficult to get to grips with who is who in a deanery and who does what. When facing problems, it can therefore be very challenging to know who to approach for information, answers or support
Below is a glossary of who is who in a Postgraduate Deanery with role descriptions of who does what. Obviously, there will be regional variations in both Deanery structure and roles. The most variation seen in Deanery structure is in Scotland. Some of these variations have been included but the document also gives details of where more information can be found
The role of supporting disabled/chronically ill doctors tends to lie with different people in different regions based upon personal experience and enthusiasm. There should be at least one person for each Deanery appointed to the specific role of providing this support, although sadly, this is not always reality
Who's Who in a Postgraduate Deanery:
The GMC guidance Welcomed and Valued (Chapter 6: How can Postgraduate training organisations apply their duties?) outlines the responsibilities of all deaneries when it comes to accommodating and supporting chronically ill/disabled doctors. You can use the contact us forms choosing the 'Feedback regarding a Deanery' option to let us know if this is not being adhered to or if your Deanery are particularly good in this area of their work
If you have concerns that your Deanery are not meeting set standards and you wish to inform the GMC of your concerns, please visit the GMC Guidance and Advice page for further help