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Acknowledgements and Thanks

The Resource Development Group (aka 'the team'): thank you to all those of you who put time and effort into feeding back on the website content and design and attending all of our meetings.  In particular, thank you to Sara Booth and Sophie Jackson for your extra efforts and contributions.  It should be remembered that many of the people who have given their time to the development of this website have done so despite illness and personal challenges.  All website content has been developed from contributions from our team members


Dr Sara Booth: thank you for also developing the content of the section on Fluctuating Conditions

Dr Heike Haffmans: thank you for developing the content of the section on How to Cope When Being Challenged


Professor Deborah Cohen OBE: â€‹ thank you very much for your invaluable advice and support with this project


Kim Cunningham: thank you very much for your website design advice and the many hours spent giving feedback.  Also for your morale support while undertaking this venture!


There are many other colleagues and friends who I would like to thank, too many to name.  Most of all, on a personal note, I would like to thank my amazing family and friends who have kept me going through the many hours of work and who continue to support me on a daily basis and make it possible for me to do what I do

Be a a copy of our leaflet here to pass to someone who you think may benefit from our services

If you wish to give us feedback on the content of any of our web pages then please go to the contact us section and choose the feedback subject which is most appropriate for your comments

Thank you

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